- Print the affidavit and the annexures, with the annexures at the back. Annexures
since they are mentioned in the affidavit are part of the affidavit and must be
included and initialled. If there is a notice of motion then put that at the front. - When you are in front of the commissioner, sign in his presence (you cannot do it
before you go). - He will then sign then stamp or write his details below yours.
- Meanwhile you can initial the bottom of every page including the annexures.
Usually in the bottom right corner but it doesn’t really matter where exactly but
usually at the bottom of the page somewhere. This includes the bottom of every
page of the annexures as well. - Then the commissioner must initial beside yours on every page.
- Technically the page where you both sign doesn’t also need to be initialled but if
you also initial it, it does no harm. - Technically, the notice of motion (if any) doesn’t need initialled (it’s not part of the
affidavit), but it’s probably best to get it initialled anyway. - Judges won’t accept affidavits that aren’t initialled, the reason is that people could
theoretically replace the pages with other pages.